Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

UB-News, about Climate Change

Prasetya Online
UB News

Submit by humas3 on March 02, 2011 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 2562


Dr I Putu Pudja MM
According to the research of the Geophysics, Climatology, and Meteorology Body (BMKG) Indonesia is experiencing climate change trend. This is signified with the changing of climate parameter such as air temperature and rainfall. Generally, this climate change will cause extreme weather. Such is as comveyed by Dr I Putut Pudja MM, head of the Puslitbang BMKG in the monthly seminar of Scientific Journal Club (2/3).
"It can be seen from the changes in average temperature in January of 0,13 degrees celcius and in July 0,17 degrees celcius per decade. Although this is lower than the increase of global temprature, which reaches 0,19 degrees celcius per decade. It looks like there already is a trend of climate change," he said. Yet, Palu experience a higher increase of 0,34 degrees celcius per decade. Aside from the small islands who experience decreasing temperature in January, such as Bali, Waingapu, and Kupang.

This monthly seminar is held on the theme of "Cooperation of UB and BMKG to increase Research in the field of Metereology, Climatology, and Geophysics. This seminar is the cooperation of BMKG and Center of Land Research and Disaster Mitigation UB, which is headed by Prof Dr Bambang Guritno.
Pudja said that climate change will have effect on the increasing temperature. Just like the tempreature in Jakarta, which tends to rise every  year,Cilacap also experience rising temperature, although not so significant. Aside from the changes in Sea Surface. This will also affect the people who live in coastal area. For the rainfall level, long term projection of 2075 to 2099 shows the climate change in Indonesia will be significant in the end of the century. In the end of the 21st century, precipitation in the rainy season is projected to change significantly, especially on some small area in Sumatra, Celebes, and Papua.
Pudja said that BMKG has perform joint research with The Ohio State University in the middle of 2010 in Jaya Peak. The researcher summarized that snow in Jaya Peak is already in the critical condition, which shows that this area has experienced warming. Yet there is also some area which trend is pretty good. Which makes it possible to discover the remnants of nuclear experiment done by Russia and America in the past.
Until now, Puslitbang BMKG is still doing research to learn about the parameter of climate in Indonesia.  BMKG also haven't determine the model to be used for disaster mitigation. "We are still comparing the models used by other countries. Such models will be adapted according to Indonesian characteristics," he said.[ai] 

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